
Last Updated on June 2024

General Information

Full Name Alex Albors Juez
Citizenship Spain


  • 2021-Present
    Bachelor of Science
    University of Washington, Seattle
    • Major in Mathematics
    • Minor in Applied Mathematics
    • GPA 3.98/4


  • 2023
    Undergraduate Student Researcher
    Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle
    • Implement MCMC Algorithms for Bayesian Inverse Problems on function spaces.
    • Focus on an RCAR Algorithm with non-Gaussian prior, introduced here .
    • Supervised by Professor Bamdad Hosseini
  • 2024
    Undergraduate Student Researcher
    Washington eXperimental Mathematics Laboratory
    • Investigated structure of optimal "Bad Science" matrices, first described here .
    • Supervised by Professor Stefan Steinerberger and Graduate Student Tony Zeng.
    • Link to the preprint can be found here .
    Statistics Research Intern
    University of Warwick, Coventry
    • Work on Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Semi-Supervised Learning
    • Supervised by Matthew Thorpe and Giovanni Montana

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • Outstanding Student Award

Other interests

  • Sailing
  • Weightlifting
  • Slacklining